2023 tournament resultS
Daily updates, final purse distributions, and Pictures!
All values expressed below are for reference only and are subject to final verification. Final purse distribution will be based upon entry receipts and not the documents below. To confirm your payout (for both winnings and refunds), please call (808) 557-0908 or email jody@konatournaments.com
*results have been updated from a prior posting

March 24th, 25th, & 26th, 2023
2023 FINAL Results:
LAZY Results*
Final Results include Total Purse Distribution and Cumulative Tournament Standings.
Daily purse distribution, standings, and radio logs below—
2023 Lazy Marlin Hunt Day 1: LAZY Day 1 Results
2023 Lazy Marlin Hunt Day 2: LAZY Day 2 Results
Photo: Captain Jody Bright
lazy marlin hunt photos
lazy marlin hunt photos 〰️
Bwana with their winning 568 lb marlin!
Marlin Magic coming in as close second with their 567.5 lb marlin!
Team 2nd Offense with their 483.5 lb qualifier!

2023 FINAL Results:
Final Results include Total Purse Distribution and Cumulative Tournament Standings.
Daily purse distribution, standings, and radio logs below—
2023 Kona Kick Off Day 1: KKO Day 1 Results*
Photo: Captain Jody Bright
kona kick off photos
kona kick off photos 〰️
Maverick boys with their 512.5 lb marlin!

2023 FINAL Results:
Final Results include Total Purse Distribution and Cumulative Tournament Standings.
Daily purse distribution, standings, and radio logs below—
2023 Firecracker Open Day 1: FCO Day 1 Results
Photo: Carol Lynne
firecracker open photos
firecracker open photos 〰️
Bwana with their 440.5 lb qualifier which— combined with their tag points— put them in 1st Place with a total of 605.5 points!

The Kona Throw Down
July 4th, 5th, & 6th, 2023
2023 FINAL Results:
Final Results include Total Purse Distribution and Cumulative Tournament Standings.
Daily purse distribution, standings, and radio logs below—
2023 Kona Throw Down Day 1: KTD Day 1 Results
2023 Kona Throw Down Day 2: KTD Day 2 Results
Photo: Carol Lynne
Apex with their 834.5 lb marlin, the biggest marlin of the tournament!
Bwana with the second qualifier for Day 1, weighing in at 566.5 lbs!
Sea Genie II came in at the end of Day 3 with this 608.5 lb marlin.

Skins Marlin Derby
July 7th, 8th, & 9th, 2023
2023 FINAL Results:
Final Results include Total Purse Distribution and Cumulative Tournament Standings.
Daily purse distribution, standings, and radio logs below—
2023 Skins Marlin Derby Day 1: SKINS Day 1 Results
2023 Skins Marlin Derby Day 2: SKINS Day 2 Results
Photo: Captain Teddy Hoogs
skins marlin derby photos
skins marlin derby photos 〰️
Maverick claiming two Skins for with their 610.5 pounder, weighed on Day 2 of the tournament!

2023 FINAL Results:
Final Results include Total Purse Distribution and Cumulative Tournament Standings.
Daily purse distribuTion, standings, and radio logs below—
2023 Lure Maker’s Ch. Day 1: LMC Day 1 Results
2023 Lure Maker’s Ch. Day 2: LMC Day 2 Results
Photo: Captain Kaiwi Joe Thrasher
LURE makers challenge photos
LURE makers challenge photos 〰️

Big Island Marlin Tournament
August 18th, 19th, & 20th, 2023
2023 FINAL Results:
Final Results include Total Purse Distribution and Cumulative Tournament Standings.
Daily purse distribuTion, standings, and radio logs below—
2023 Big Island Marlin T. Day 1: BIMT Day 1 Results
2023 Big Island Marlin T. Day 2: BIMT Day 2 Results
Photo: Captain Jody Bright
BIG Island marlin tourney photos
BIG Island marlin tourney photos 〰️
Team Kona Cowboy with the 1st place fish, weighing 641 lbs! Gordon Inscore (far right) was the angler of this fish, while Gaige Inscore (middle) was the captain!
Tantrum with their 552.5 pounder; the second qualifier of Day 1, and 2nd biggest marlin overall!
Team Bwana with the 3rd biggest marlin overall, and largest qualifier of Day 3— 542 lbs!
Maverick boys with a beautiful 478 pounder.

It’s a Wrap Tournament
September 15TH, 16TH & 17TH, 2023
2023 FINAL Results:
Final Results include Total Purse Distribution and Cumulative Tournament Standings.
Daily purse distribuTion, standings, and radio logs below—
2023 It’s A Wrap Day 1: WRAP Day 1 Results*
2023 It’s A Wrap Day 2: WRAP Day 2 Results*
Photo: Captain Teddy Hoogs
it's a wrap photos
it's a wrap photos 〰️
Team Last Chance taking Biggest Marlin & Most Points of Day 1 with TWO qualifiers! Congratulations angler Chad Beaudry on his 692 pounder, and angler Ian Keinath on his 547.5 pounder.
Kraken with the 3rd qualifier of Day 1, weighing in at 469.5 pounds!
Five Star with the biggest marlin of Day 2, 444.5 pounds!
Team 2nd Offense with the only qualifier of Day 3 coming in at 593.5 lbs!
For Special Room Rates at Royal Kona Resort, click the button below to learn more!
Guest must request special tourney 20% off rate! ONLINE promo code is MARLIN.